Our family company Peter Moser Rustikale Holzbearbeitung GmbH has been processing wooden surfaces for over 30 years with the greatest attention to detail. We strive to use regional products like spruce, oak, larch or Swiss pine, all of which are quite popular in construction and refurbishments in the Alpine region.
The machine for surface processing and individual chopped structures developed by Peter Moser, founder of the company, is fully automatic and has been developed further since its first use. Our clients appreciate our unique products and established refinement.
The new generation of management sees to it that the correct steps are taken concerning sustainable use of resources and the preservation of added value in Tyrol. Silvia Bischofer, daughter of the founder, and her husband Mathias are carrying on the family tradition.
Unser starkes Team, bestehend aus sehr engagierten Mitarbeitern in der Hackerei, Tischlerei sowie im Büro, sorgt für tolle Produkte und den bestmöglichen Service.
Wir sind Optimisten, die einen Betrieb auf 1.150m in einem Bergdorf mit großen Hürden weiterentwickelt haben; Somit können wir in der Umgebung für sichere Arbeitsplätze sorgen und die Mitarbeiter müssen nicht viele Kilometer fahren, bis sie zum Arbeitsort gelangen.
Social and ecological commitment & sustainability
...are not just empty phrases for us. We are an eco-conscious and responsible Tyrolean company that uses green energy—100% of our electricity is certified green electricity from Tyrol’s small hydroelectric power stations. At our production facilities in Brixlegg and Alpbach, we have photovoltaic plants (150 and 50 KW, respectively); in favourable conditions, our production facility in Brixlegg can be powered through the electricity generated through photovoltaics alone. Also, we only use electric forklifts. Any waste produced is reused sustainably for wood chippings.
In this way, we are taking the right steps towards an ecological future without atomic energy. We also contribute to lowering CO2 emissions.
Apart from this, we support the Special Olympics as well as the ÖBSV, the Austrian sports association for the disabled.
WIR sind die einzige/ oder einzigartige Alternative zum Altholz. Altholz wird am heimischen Markt Großteils von weit her importiert und wir kaufen vorwiegend von heimischen Händlern, auch in der umliegenden Umgebung. In unseren Betrieben schließt sich der interne Kreislauf, da die Abfallprodukte wieder verwendet werden und wir somit wieder Energie erzeugen, die wir in der Produktion wieder verwenden können.
Holzveredelung seit 1980 – unvergleichbar in der Oberfläche.
Social and ecological commitment & sustainability
...are not just empty phrases for us. We are an eco-conscious and responsible Tyrolean company that uses green energy—100% of our electricity is certified green electricity from Tyrol’s small hydroelectric power stations. At our production facilities in Brixlegg and Alpbach, we have photovoltaic plants (150 and 50 KW, respectively); in favourable conditions, our production facility in Brixlegg can be powered through the electricity generated through photovoltaics alone. Also, we only use electric forklifts. Any waste produced is reused sustainably for wood chippings.
In this way, we are taking the right steps towards an ecological future without atomic energy. We also contribute to lowering CO2 emissions.
Apart from this, we support the Special Olympics as well as the ÖBSV, the Austrian sports association for the disabled.